Friday, December 12, 2008

Miss New Shoes

Because I have nothing exciting going on in my life currently, I thought I might start posting random memories from my childhood.
So I wasn't always the coolest kid. I remember in about fourth grade there was this girl that always came to school looking perfect. Her mom probably spent an hour doing her hair every morning. I was intrigued by her perfection. One time I asked her if she had a different pair of shoes for every outfit. She solemnly responded in the affirmative with a slow but confident nod. One day we came in from recess and sat down for story time on the carpet. Apparently I wasn't all that fascinated by the story because I became fixated on my feet. My white sandals had a thin brown layer of dirt on them, but my white feet had a much thicker layer. Nothing has changed to this day. The bottom of my feet are still black all the time (probably because I cannot force myself to wear anything but flip flops even two weeks from Christmas). This day though, they were both black and wet--from sweat. Hmmm. Interesting. I busied myself with scratching along the bottom of my feet and filling up my fingernails with the black liquid, examining it for a bit, wiping it on the carpet next to me, and then going in for more. It would never have crossed my mind that this behavior was anything but normal until I looked up and saw the huge very visibly disgusted eyes of miss new shoes. I stopped scratching. Sheepishly.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Invisiblity or flight?

If you could have the power to be invisible or to fly, which would you choose? Let me know and then say why. If it just so happens that someone has actually already commented, ignore his/her comment until you have written yours! I am doing a little experiment... :)

Friday, November 21, 2008

I keep waiting to update until I upload some pictures or something of something interesting in our lives. I haven't done that so here's a little sum up of what our lives consisted of previous to starting a blog from some random pictures I have on the computer. The first picture is what 10 percent of the engagement pictures we took looked like. The next picture is what the other 90 percent looked like. Yes, we just randomly took them outside my house in California.

Next are my parents:

And his:

Now back to the wedding...this is us coming out of the temple if you can't tell, and right below is a picture of my little brother and I. Everyone was standing back when we came out of the temple but he was right there. This picture was taken as he said, "You're married!!"
Dancing at the reception was my favorite part.

I am sure all three of you who read my first post are dying to know what "club" is. Well I reveal it to you now. Its membership consists of Lalo, me, dear uncle Ryan, and sweet cousin Patrese.

Our club is extremely exclusive, so if you are hoping for an invitation you will have to answer a few questions satisfactorily. If you do that, you may just get a an invitation for a trial visit. Club member Patrese made the centerpieces for our wedding.
As you can tell I don't have very many pictures on this computer beyond wedding pictures (I am on Lalo's), so I may do a repeat post later with pictures that are even more random. The picture below is me with club member Ryan. We are both being totally normal. Sorry for the immodesty but the picture was too important to forget.

Friday, November 14, 2008

I am sitting in the Tanner Building on a Friday afternoon. I really should be studying...but instead I am creating a blog. I am not sure what to say, but I figure I can't create a blog and then not at least post one entry. Um. Well Lalo is gone right now. Vegas...belated bachelor party. Just kidding. He is getting cars as usual. I should be researching for a group meeting tomorrow and getting ahead on homework. I really really want to reinstate "Club" next week.
The reason I wanted to make a blog is because I never keep a it's not like keeping a blog will make me miss out on keeping a record of all kinds of deep dark secrets...I wouldn't do that anyway. I hope it will make me start writing things down, and I really really hope it makes me start taking pictures. I was going to wait until this murderous semester was over...but I will always find a reason to put it off.