Sunday, March 1, 2009

I literally can't stand that. Like I am falling down right now.

So here's the deal. I think it's hilarious when people use the word literally when they don't mean it. It's probably partially because I think it is hilarious to interpret anything anyone says figuratively in a literal way. If that makes any sense. Those of you who know me know what I am talking about and have probably gotten annoyed by it.

But anyway, recently I have been noticing the misuse of the word literal more and more often. For example on The Bachelor when one girl said she "literally catapulted out of the limo." Twice. Wow! This one guy I work with says it all the time. One day I couldn't take it anymore and this is what happened.

Guy I Work With: If I had to take the test this Saturday I would literally be rolling dice.
Me: Really? They would make you roll dice?
Guy I Work With (Irritated): I said that I would be rolling dice.
Me (meekly after his half-shout): I know, but you said literally.
Guy I Work With: Yeah, I would literally be rolling dice.
Me (scared): ...*turns away and goes back to work*

So I learned my lesson about confronting people on that. Unless I know them really well. Which is why I didn't say anything when another person I worked with said the other day, "If you made a good video you could literally eat off of it for years." I laughed (inside) picturing someone eating off a video tape...for years.

I think my favorite was when a friend of my family emailed me and told me that I should call his daughter who had just gotten to Provo because she was "literally the fifth wheel in her apartment." Hmm.

So literally, that's my tid bit. Literally, keep your eyes open. Because you will literally laugh your guts out and your butt off next time you hear someone literally use literally wrong. And I am literally guessing you don't literally care to lose them.